Glenbrook Releases End of Year Schedule

Written by on May 12, 2020

Glenbrook School released a schedule today for returning school property which includes textbooks, library books, uniforms and educational devices such as calculators. This will also be a time to retrieve personal items from desks and lockers.

Monday, May 18
8:30-11:30 Last name beginning with A-G
12:30-3:00 Last name beginning with H-P

Tuesday, May 19
8:30-11:30 Last name beginning with Q-Z

When your child arrives at school, he/she is first to go to his/her locker and retrieve textbooks and any items that need to be returned and then proceed to the classrooms. In an effort to practice social distancing, please do not congregate in groups in the halls, classrooms, or parking lot.

Glenbrook School is asking everyone to adhere to the 6-foot rule and encourage everyone to wear a mask and as soon as your child has completed the task of returning all school property, please leave the campus.

It is important that all school property be returned in order for your child to receive his/her report card which will be mailed on May 20th.

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